Foot pain is an extremely common problem among adults and can have many different contributing factors. These include age, being overweight, activity levels, as well as structural issues in the foot itself.

Due to the number of contributing factors, it can often be difficult to pinpoint an exact reason for someone to be experiencing foot pain. It is not uncommon to see someone with pain but no obvious structural issues, and also for someone to have quite obvious structural issues on scans but have no pain!

Foot pain will often present in three different areas:

  • around the heel
  • through the arch and middle of the foot
  • and around the ball of the foot.

Pain around the heel may be caused by irritation of the Achilles tendon, irritation of the fat pad and/or bursa of the heel, and heel spurs.

Pain through the arch and middle of the foot may be caused by irritation of the plantar fascia and irritation of the tibialis posterior tendon attachment.

Pain through the ball of the foot may be caused by irritation of the heads of the metatarsal bones, a neuroma, and/or sesamoiditis.

Regardless of where your pain is and what’s causing it, here are 3 simple things to try to start to work on to develop stronger and healthier feet!

1. Spend some time mobilising your feet on a daily basis. A stiff, immobile foot is not as capable at tolerating the loads we place through our feet throughout the day, as a much more supple and mobile foot.

2. Toe swaps: these are a great way to start to get a little bit of strength and control back into the foot. They can be tricky to start with so it’s ok to use your hands to help lift big toe and block the little toes, and vice versa. Aim for 10 lifts of the big toe then 10 lifts of the other toes.

3. Controlled calf raises without support: this is a great exercise to develop overall foot and lower limb strength. Try aim for 5 reps with a 5-second controlled rise, a 5-second hold at the top, and a 5-second controlled lower.

As well as this, heat can sometimes help to alleviate symptoms and allow you to get working on the mobility and strength exercises that are going to help in the long run.

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