Roy Chan
Rozelle Physio

Roy is experienced in conditions of the neck, shoulder, and forearms. Also playing and coaching Tennis and Oztag at a high level he understands the demands on knee and ankle injuries.

Our team

The iMove Physio Team

Our experienced team provides 1-on-1 consults tailored to you. We will provide a detailed explanation of your condition and a treatment plan specific to your goals. Our friendly team are with you every step of the way and can help remove your pain and restore movements. You can get to know Roy from our Rozelle team below.

Roy iMove Physio

Roy Chan

Rozelle // Physiotherapist

Roy is experienced in conditions of the neck, shoulder and forearms. Also playing and coaching Tennis and Oztag at a high level he understands the demands on knee and ankle injuries.

Mentoring is important to Roy and he helps several young physios in their journey to become qualified and participates in many extra projects like the Level Up initiative.

Roy is also experienced in our iMove Run Consult.

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